Stock Watch: Week 5

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Mandatory Credit:

New Hampshire Fisher Cats (19-19 8GB, 4th)

The Fisher Cats went 3-4 this week.  The Fisher Cats produced an abundance of runs the past week but the pitching staff just could not hold off the enemy attack.  They managed to score 29 runs the past week but yet they lost one of the game 9-8 against the Binghampton Mets.  Even when they pitched well they would lose a game 2-1 like they did against New Britain.  Luck was definitely not on the side of the Cats this past week.

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Top Fisher Cats


Kevin Nolan– Nolan was an offensive force the past week.  He was able to produce 9 RBI in the past 10 games.  He batted .375 with 2 home runs, 7 runs scored, and a SB.


Matt Boyd– Boyd had 2 outings in the past week and was dominant in both of them.  Pitching a total of 12 innings he stuck out 11 and only allowed 1 run.

Player Movement 

Activated C Chris Schaeffer,

RHP Joel Pineiro, SS Ronald Torreyes, RHP Ian Parmley were assigned to the Fisher Cats

Released Jake Fox