Shawn Hill this season. The Missis..."/> Shawn Hill this season. The Missis..."/>

Recovering Jays SP: Hill Throws Well in GCL, Richmond Equal in HiA


The Jays took a big chance in signing 29-year old RHP Shawn Hill this season. The Mississauga Ontario native has had a truly checkered past in terms of health, one that scared away most MLB teams. But, the Jays saw an opportunity and took it and are now seeing the benefits of their patience starting to pay off a little. Shawn has thrown 2 games in the GCL thus far and has last 5 innings each time and allowed 5 hits both times as well. In those 10 innings, he struck out 8, hasn’t allowed a walk, and has only allowed 1 ER.

I can’t imagine how great it must feel for Shawn to be back on the mound and to be doing so well, even if it is in the GCL. If he can find a way to pitch pain free (doctors were never able to find structural or impingement issues while Hill felt pain) he could really do well for the Jays in late 2010, early 2011. Hill will never be an elite pitcher, but he is a good bet to be at least a good back end of the rotation guy who’ll give your team a chance to win. I hope he can continue to remain healthy and that he makes it all of the way back up the ladder!

On a similar note, Scott Richmond is also doing well in his return from injury. He pitched 5.2 inning for HiA Dunedin on the 10th of July, allowing 4 hits, 1 ER, walking 2 and striking out 2. He’s getting close to jumping up another level or two with a 1.72 ERA over his 3 starts in HiA.