Blue Jays' George Springer holds charity fundraising bowling event for a great cause
Much has been said about Toronto Blue Jays outfielder George Springer in his great work he has done for the team on the field and with his teammates. But apparently, he has been just as tremendous with his work off the field in the surrounding community.
On Sunday, following the Jays game against the Kansas City Royals, Springer held his annual George Springer Bowling Benefit event, which was presented by TD (Canada) in support of The Stuttering Association for the Young (SAY) and Jays Care Foundation. Together with “his squad”, the event turned out to be a sizzling success.
SAY is a non-profit organization that focuses on providing support, advocacy, camps and in-depth programs for people aged 3-18 that have a stuttering issue. As someone who had grown up with the issue, Springer wants to be able to help those around him that have also encountered the same challenges while growing up. The program helps them build up confidence, be able to communicate effectively, and just be themselves while being accepted by those around them at the same time. Springer has been a strong advocate and spokesperson for the organization for over a decade ever since 2014, as he has helped thousands of kids across North America meet their challenges.
For the Jays Care Foundation, their goal is to utilize play as a key instrumental tool to help children and youth in marginalized communities to reach their full potential via life-changing programs and initiatives.
It certainly has been a pleasure to see Springer’s greatness on the field in helping the Jays be a competitive and successful team the past few years, but he is definitely a true winner off the field, bringing hope and success to countless number of individuals in making the world a better place to be in.