Blue Jays: Roberto Osuna would net a king’s ransom if dealt

TORONTO, ON - OCTOBER 18: Roberto Osuna
TORONTO, ON - OCTOBER 18: Roberto Osuna

The Toronto Blue Jays are actively in discussions formulating a plan on whether to tear down the current contingent and do a complete overhaul of the roster or patch and repair with hopes for a resurgence in 2018.

The thought of a rebuild is not appealing to many fans who believe the ground work is in place to right the ship and with a little luck compete for the postseason in the immediate future.

The more I pondered this dilemma, the more I found myself wondering what a Roberto Osuna trade would net coming back for the Blue Jays. Realistically, if you are going into full rebuild mode, do you really need a superstar closer when you are not planning on winning or competing?

All you have to do is look at the return the Miami Marlins just obtained from the Seattle Mariners for reliever David Phelps. If Phelps can fetch four prospects imagine the caliber of prospect talent Osuna could land you.

This would be the sell high season to deal Osuna who is fresh off an All-Star appearance and had converted 22 consecutive saves until earlier this week. The Milwaukee Brewers appear poised to make a run and would surely be interested in a package of Osuna and pending free agent Joe Smith for the playoff run.

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The Brew Crew have a surplus of intriguing prospects such as Lewis Brinson, Josh Hader, Brandon Woodruff and Luis Ortiz who all project to be decent major league talents. Could some of those names peak the curiosity of the Blue Jays brain trust?

Osuna is dominant, young and controllable which would make it tough to say goodbye to the closer however if you are serious about a rebuild he is one of your bigger baits to dangle to lure the big fish.

This is the era where playoff teams are attempting to enlist two or three power arms with closer experience to anchor the back end of their bullpens. The Indians and Royals have had successful playoff runs winning games at the 6th inning mark because of their lights out bullpens.

Osuna would come at a premium and the Jays are in a unique position where they do not have to even consider moving the young closer unless the package coming back is blatantly one-sided in their favour. All 29 teams would want him but who is willing to step-up and blow away the competition with a can’t refuse

All 29 teams would jump at the opportunity to acquire Osuna but who is willing to step-up and blow away the competition with an offer the Jays can’t refuse.

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I for one love me some Osuna-Matata but you have to wonder what could it yield.