Stock Watch: Week 4

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Dunedin Blue Jays (13-17 5.5GB, 6th)

The D-Jays finished the week 3-3. They won a series over Clearwater and lost their other series against Tampa. In the Tampa series, the pitching staff allowed 20 runs in 3 games.

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After finishing up a weekend series against Lakeland at home the D-Jays head on the road for 6 games against Fort Myers and Lakeland. This will be the first time facing Fort Myers.

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L.B. Dantzler is hitting .231 with no home runs and only 4 RBI this year, but over his last 5 games he has hit .350/.435/.500 with 3 BB and 3 K. During this time he went 7-for-20 with 3 doubles and 2 RBI.

Mike Reeves have hit .364 in 3 games this week. The Peterborough native didn’t strike out or walk, but did manage to drive one in and collect a double for his strong play.


Luis Santos didn’t pitch well in April and seemed to loss his starting job. He made 2 appearances this week as a reliever, going 2-0 with a 1.00 ERA. He 4 innings of scoreless relief in the D-Jays extra inning win over the Tampa Yankees. In this outing he walked one and struck out 7 between the 9 and 12th innings. That earned him a start against Lakeland, where he struck out 6, didn’t issue any walks while allowing one run on 3 hits over 5 innings.

Jimmy Cordero made 2 appearances allowing one home run, a solo shot, walking one and striking out two. He lowed his ERA by registering a 2.08 ERA in his 4.1 innings of work and owns a 1.35 ERA in 4 May appearances.

Player Movement 

No player movement to report. Some players where transferred to the 7-day DL.