Orioles get to Sanchez early and beat the Blue Jays 7-1

Tonight the Blue Jays sent Aaron Sanchez to the mount. Making his first start of the year while trying to secure another series win. While the Orioles trying to even out the series countered with Ubaldo Jiménez. Who was also making his season debut for the Orioles.

Nerves may have been a bit of an issue for Aaron Sanchez. Starting out the game he gave up a lead off home run to Alejandro De Aza. After getting Steve Pearce to strike out Chris Davis hit another solo home run. Travis Snider got on base by a fielders choice after Aaron Sanchez couldn’t corral a low throw from Jose Reyes which would have been an inning ending 3-6-1 double play.

The 2nd inning was a little more smooth for Aaron Sanchez. Keeping the ball on the ground was key. A ground ball single straight up the diamond was nullified by a nice 6-4-3 double play.

The Orioles started the 3rd inning with three singles to load the bases. Pitching Coach Pete Walker came out for a quick pep talk for Aaron Sanchez. Aaron was then able to trade a run for another double play. Still struggling with his command the call came from the dugout to intentionally walk Travis Snider after Aaron already threw three balls. Manny Machado helped Aaron out by flying out to center field.

Jose Reyes was able to break up Ubaldo Jiménez’s no hitter dropping a single to left field. Ubaldo was able to make the first three innings look easy after retiring 9 in a row. Jose Reyes then followed up his single with his first stolen base of the season.

The 4th inning was also a little rough for Aaron Sanchez. An error by Josh Donaldson followed by a single blasted through 3rd base allowed the first two batters on base. They both advanced after a wild pitch from Sanchez. Only able to get 1 out in the inning, Sanchez was relieved by Colt Hynes who was able to get out of the inning.

The Orioles broke the game open with a grand slam in the 5th off of Todd Redmond.

On the other side of the mound Ubaldo Jiménez had a stellar start to his campaign. He went 7 strong innings giving up only one hit and one walk while striking out eight.

Game Notes:

  • Aaron Sanchez could not get out of the 4th inning lasting only 3.1 IP giving up 3ER on 7 hits and 2 BB.
  • Devon Travis looked great out in the field. Even if his numbers at the plate settle down his defensive work will keep him in the lineup.
  • Todd Redmond made his first appearance of the season. He got roughed up for 4 runs in 2 IP
  • Liam Hendricks was the lone bright spot for the pitching staff. He retired all 6 batters he faced while striking out 4.


You can’t win many games scoring only 1 run in the game. Jose Reyes was his usual self with a single, walk, and stolen base. The Blue Jays needed more than just him to show up tonight and they didn’t get it. Edwin Encarnacion did pick up an RBI with 2 outs in the 9th to break up the shutout. But, it was too little too late.. Game Ball. Jose Reyes. OFFENSE . F

D-. This grade is only salvaged by Colt Hynes. Aaron <em>only </em>gave up three runs but it could have been much worse. Aaron was unable to establish any command of his pitches. Constantly elevating his fast ball and hanging breaking balls. While it was not a complete disaster it is not how Aaron wanted to start out the season. Hopefully the next time out he can contain his nerves.. . Aaron Sanchez. STARTING PITCHER

Game Ball. Liam Hendricks. BULLPEN . D. The bullpen did fairly well tonight if you take out Todd Redmond’s performance. Unfortunately you can’t ignore someone giving up 4 ER on a grand slam. Liam Hendricks however came in and was efficient and effective.