Ra ra Rajai Davis Lover of the Stolen Bases

Credit: Tom Szczerbowski-USA TODAY Sports

So the last time I stumbled upon something funny like this it was feminist Jose Bautista and I hummed and hawwed about whether I should do a post about it and by then DJF had jumped all over it and I was just left chuckling to myself.

So on a blah Saturday in September where the Jays are taking on the Twins something like this is a good way to lift the spirits of downtrodden Jay’s fans. A brief six second video which is not only clever, but also pays homage to a song which is best listened too on a Sunday night at a dive bar with two dollar drinks and a five drink special, AND gives props to the base stealing wonder that is Rajai Davis.

Below you will see one of the greatest fan made signs of all time, for those of you who aren’t in the know about the song or artist, I’ll direct you to a most excellent post over at DJF, which is where this season’s Boney M connection began.


Anyways that’s all I got, and also a hat tip to a friend of mine on Facebook for posting this Vine! Happy Saturday folks!
