Jays-related tidbits from David Schoenfield’s ESPN chat

Earlier today, David Schoenfield, senior writer for ESPN.com and author of ESPN’s SweetSpot blog, chatted with fans and there were quite a few nuggets that pertained to the Jays, so here’s a word-for-word breakdown of those parts.

‘Votto to Toronto’ talk, complete with trade offer ideas, dominated the Jays-related portion, but other topics that were brought up were Travis Snider getting another chance, a reality check about Adam Lind for one person, and Brandon Morrow being called a No. 4 or 5 starter.

Do you think the jays are biding their time and saving their dollars for a run at Joey Votto?

David Schoenfield: A friend of mine in the Canadian media insists the Jays are going to make a big push for Votto this winter. The Reds do have Yonder Alonso, but would they consider trading Votto? I have my doubts, and I’m not sure the Jays have the talent to match up.

How can you say the Jays’ don’t have the talent to match up? They have one of the best farm systems in the business.

DS: They did have three guys in Keith Law’s midseason top 50: C Travis D’Anaud (Reds don’t need a C), P Henderson Alvarez (he could be one part of a trade, and P Drew Hutchison (spent most of year in Class A). But the Reds aren’t going to trade Votto for Class A guys. They’re a contender, so I think they would need young, MLB-ready or already proven talent. But maybe Alvarez, Hutchison and Adam Lind (.296 OBP? Yech) and something else would be enough. I don’t know. Either way, the Reds and Jays should be two of the most interesting teams to watch this offseason.

Does Brett Lawrie get any ROY consideration?

DS: Great six weeks, but not enough playing time in a year with several outstanding candidates (Hellickson, Pineda, Ackley, Trumbo, et al). But I absolutely love the bat. Imagine if they did get Votto and you have a 3-4-5 of Baustista, Votto and Lawrie!

If the Jays go after Votto, the Reds could try to get D’Arnaud in the deal. That might be worth it to give up Votto.

DS: The Reds already have two outstanding catching prospects in Devin Mesoraco and Yasmani Grandal, so I don’t think they need a third. Seattle could use a catcher. How about a three-way trade involving Felix Hernandez somehow … speaking of …

Speaking of the Blue Jays, will they ever give Travis Snider a chance to settle in, and does Rick Ank…I mean, Adam Loewen have a chance to stick around?

DS: I think Snider needs a change of scenery. He looked like a future star a few years ago but the bat hasn’t developed as expected. Loewen is a great. Actually very similar to Ankiel … has power, low average, will strike out a ton, but maybe a decent fourth outfielder type.

Snider, Drabek, Hechavarria, and Hutchison for Votto.

DS: Not even close. Snider and Drabek have seen their value go WAY down this year.

What about including Rasmus in a deal for Votto?

DS: Possible … Jays don’t really have another good CF option though, do they? Reds priorities would be: MLB-ready starting pitcher, SS, 3B (Rolen getting old) and a big bat for LF.

Gose maybe an option 2 years from now, same with Hech, maybe you could part with Escobar and Rasmus, but they may be too much.

DS: Gose has a lot of developing to do, but he does have all the tools, as they say. But they got Rasmus so cheaply, I think you give him a year away from La Russa and see if you do have a star on your hands.

Best young lefty in the AL East, David Price or Ricky Romero?

DS: If only they’d meet in a playoff game to determine once and for all …

What about Lind, Hechavarria, and Marsnick for Votto?

DS: Blue Jays fans, you do realize that Adam Lind isn’t very good, right?

As a life-long Angel fan, I still can’t shake the depression over the Vernon Wells trade. Is there any chance in the world they could swing a trade for him? I’d almost take Zito and pay the difference in their contracts if it means just getting this hacker off the team and giving Trout the job outright.

DS: I’m not an Angels fan, and the Vernon Wells trade depresses me as well.

What about starting a package with B Morrow for Votto?

DS: You do realize he has a 5.12 ERA and has never come close to pitching 200 innings? That’s the starting point for one of the best players in the game? That said … Morrow is intriguing, but I think the Reds’ staff is already full of enough No. 4 and 5 starters.

Is Adam Lind the same not very good as you described Jacoby Ellsbury at the beginning of this year? Because I’ll take that.

DS: Yes, we all knew Ellsbury would increase his home run total from eight to 26. Lind has four years in the majors, three with an OPS league average or worse. He’s OBP the past two years is a horrible .291 and he has no defensive value. And I don’t say Ellsbury wasn’t any good, I said he was overrated. At least … that’s the way I remember it. 🙂

Talent for talent, Bautista for Votto! Fair?

DS: Except Votto is three years younger, not an insignificant point.

Couldn’t you make the argument that one year away from free agency Votto would be worth the same as Doc in a trade? 3 upper tier prospects. Or an Adrian Gonzalez package, what was that 4 higher end or so prospects.

DS: Votto isn’t a free agent until 2014.

I do not want to trade Votto at all, but can you imagine how many homers Bautista would hit playing in GABP? It would be insane.

DS: Back when Coors Field was COORS FIELD (before the humidor), I always wished the Rockies had picked up somebody like McGwire or Piazza, just to see what a masher like that would have done there (no offense to Todd Helton or Larry Walker).


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