Jays Journal Quiet Due to Illness

I just wanted to explain to our most ardent readers that this site has been quiet of late due to my coming down with one vicious of an illness over the last week or so took me right out of commission.

I’m only now coming out of the fog, was able to only see portions of games here and there, and hope to jump back into the fray of things very quickly. With the draft coming up very quickly and lots of promotion talk to get to, I have a ton of topics I’d like to cover and I do hope you’ll bear with me as I wrap my head around what’s happened, where the jays stand, and what’s been written about all of it.

To those who keep checking in, thank you for your loyalty and time and we’re going to ensure we have lots of original and interesting material out today and each day thereafter.


Mat Germain – JJ Site Editor