Latest Jays and Other Rumblings


Here are some of the things scouts and other experts are saying about Jays prospects:

  • Asked which Jays prospects could surprise most in 2010, Jim Callis correctly identified 2B Ryan Schimpf and C Carlos Perez. I say correctly because it’s exactly what I believe as well!
  • In the same Chat, Jim also pointed out that he believes Brett Wallace could win a batting title one day while averaging about 20 HRs per season. We’ll take it!
  • Michael R. Lewis of Baseball Prospectus explained the Team Health Report of the Jays while examining the cost and issues surrounding their injuries.
  • Cito did the right thing by leaving Ricky Romero in the game. Catch Jordan Bastien’s game review here which goes through the course of events. It sets a strong precedent of trust in Jays pitchers, something that often goes a long way to getting the most out of them.
  • This is not baseball related, but it is professional sports vs sponsor related, so I’m adding it in. Joe Posnanski has a very thorough and well done take on the Tiger Woods commercial by Nike. His statement that Nike is DEMANDING we take a side on the issues of his infidelity is thought provoking and identifies what most see as the dilemma most fans are faced with.